Debre Markos University College of Business and Economics, Institute of Land Administration and School of Law host Annual National Research Conference colorfully
DMU: – Debre Markos University college of Business and Economics, Institute of Land Administration and School of Law collaboratively host annual national research conference colorfully under the theme “Research-Informed Quality Education for Character and Personality Development” in the presence of honorary distinguished invited guests, researchers from Universities and other institutions and participants colorfully in Hadis Alemayehu Venue from 3-4 April 2021.
Partial view of the research conference
Debre Markos University Research and Community Service Vice President Sister Genet Degu, speaking at the opening stage, says that as Universities are established to address quality education, conduct research and deliver community services, Debre Markos University is working cognizant to its mission since its establishment. However, the community is leading traditional way of life as we cannot improve the livelihood of the community for which scholars and researchers were intended to address, she added.
Researchers and scholars have forefront responsibilities in changing the livelihood of the community and to develop the nation at large. Thereby, scholars of the time need to focus at demand driven researches that would have meaningful and could bring promising changes, Assistance Professor Genet Degu underlined.
It is noted that the respective college, institute and school deans have delivered warm welcoming speech to the honorable guests, researchers and participants say that the conference was organized collaboratively and conjugative as research is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work that researchers of different disciplines could come up with best research outputs that may overcome the existing problems so as to improve the livelihood of the community and enhance the development of the nation.
Welcome speakers say that the researches were chosen through a paper call under the themes described in the respective disciplines and criteria set in order to achieve the objectives of the research.
It is noted that, the research conference was prepared to enhance the research capacity of the researchers, share experiences, to find out best research outputs and disseminate them to the concerned bodies to be in puts. In addition, the researchers presented in the conference will be disseminated and published in proceedings to communicate the findings of the research papers.
Researches were presented in Queen Shaba Business and Economics College and in Tekleyesus Waqijera Institute of Land Administration and School of Law respectively and discussion were held on the papers presented.
Finally, Debre Markos University Academic Affairs Vice President, Doctor Yiheyes Aregu delivering closing speech says that scholars have to shoulder and work in line with the objectives and missions of higher institutions so as to improve and change the livelihood of the community and enhance the development of the community who are implementing the traditional way of life. Thus, researchers and scholars should work aggressively and energetically to change the life of the poor community in relation to their respective disciplines, he concluded.