Debre Markos University Community service Directorate conducts panel discussion with chirawonz watershade farmers

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Debre Markos University Community service Directorate conducts panel discussion with chirawonz watershade farmers

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DMU: – Debre Markos University community service directorate conducts panel discussion with chirawonz watershed farmers on the practices and challenges of watershed practices.

W/ro Workinesh Tiruneh, Agriculture and National resources colleges’ dean raising her cradle idea states that activities in chirawonz Watershed have long been began and brought incredible achievements so far.  On this regard, woreda, kebele, University and other community leaders and others sustain the fore began activities and to began some other untouched deeds.

In doing so, new entrants, water shade farmers nearby would be initiated to set similar activities to save soil degradation and removal of fertile soil.

Mr. Abiyot Molla, Debre Markos University community service development officer presenting his springboard for discussion elaborates the major activities has been performed in chirawonz-yeted kebele since 2005 E.C.

Hence, huge amount of fertile soil estimated 58% countrywide are taken away so that soil fertility decreased, agricultural productivity are decreased from time to time. Looking these problems inwardly, Debre Markos University cooperated with Sinan Worda agricultue office and East Gojjam Agriculture department have done restless efforts.

For that matter, fencing 15-hectars plot of land, the three organs have worked on awareness creation, planting more than 5000 seedlings, building dames, demarcating other vulnerable areas, preserving natural resources, animal husbandry and others. This is to care especially to embark farmers besides the 34 existed farmers in chirawonz water hade.

Dr. Berhanu Alemu, Debre Markos University College Agriculture and Natural Resource animal science department dean presenting his turn clarifies that as preserving the natural recourses, chirawonz watershed farmers are also becoming beneficiary from the removal of annelids parasitic worm from their animals.

However, blaming the former community’s participation, the panelists noticed the society in general should cooperate to get rid of the parasitic worm.

Finally, the participants enquired to fully engage in the activity of all stakeholders: including Debre Markos University imparting rules and principles of the watershed, offering logistics, preserving areas from cattle grazing, working physical resources. Furthermore, the participants anticipate the watershed to make research site, plants and fruit areas, together with all stakes communicating hearty.

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