Pharmacy Research and Community

Pharmacy research and community service

Since its establishment, the department with its skill full energetic as well as committed staffs, more than forty research articles has been published by the academic staff  in different internationally known reputable journals. The result of the research works are disseminated to the wider community via radio, research conferences and seminars. Various research works are also being conducted by the staff.

The staff members have also great engagement and contribution in various research projects; the well- known is their engagement in the university’s ten year mega research project called: Indigenous Knowledge Documentation, Medicinal Plant Conservation and Validation and Standardization in East and West Gojjam, Awi and Metekel Zones, North western Ethiopia.

Most recently and notably too, since the emergence of corona virus pandemic globally and in Ethiopia, thousands of litters of sanitizer has been produced by the staff of the department and distributed freely based on the WHO recommendation for sanitizer production and distribution for prevention of the spread of the virus in the locality and the country at large.

Various seminars and series of radio programs on drug related issues have been presented to the community of Debre Markos University and the community of the surrounding environment at different times.  Drug handling, production and compounding, appropriate use, drug safety monitoring,  procurement, distribution, dispensing, use pattern and drug resistance mechanisms and its prevention as well as the prons and cons of traditional medicine are the  main areas of focus for wider community service activities of the department.

Since the department is full of staff with   basic and TOT certificates in ART, PBL, Life skill, CRC, Pain management and APTS, we can deliver trainings for those who are in need for continues professional development (CPD) and other academic requirements.

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