Natural and computational science college at Debre Markos university is going to organize its 2ndnational research conference on the theme “advancing scientific research and innovation for societal development“. Therefore, the college kindly invites interested scholars to submit and present their research findings on the following sub-themes.
Submission guideline
The abstract must be extended abstract with a maximum of 5 pages containing:
- Title of the paper
- Author’s full address (Name, email, phone number and affiliation)
- Background and/or statement of problem, Objective, Materials and/or methods, Result/finding, conclusion, Key words ( a maximum of five) and references not more than 20
- Submission of extended Abstract: March 29/2021
- Notification of accepted extended abstracts: April 8/2021
- Submission of full paper: April 18/2021
- Notification of accepted papers :April 25/2021
- Conference date : May 7-8/2021
Please submit your abstracts through:
For any enquiry: 0923644681