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Nigus Zerefu Negede

Dean of School of Law




Silesh Abeye Gelaye

V/Dean of School of Law



Alem Hunegnaw Asmare

Head of Law School Administration



Abokir Abren Abdella

Free Legal Aid Service Coordinator



Biruk Abebe Yeshanew

complaint hearing officer


Powers and Responsibilities of the Dean

  • Powers and Duties

The dean shall have the following duties and responsibilities. He shall:

  1. Serve as the chairperson of the AC;
  2. Carry out all decisions of the AC with respect to appointment and promotion, renewal of contracts, admission of students, graduation, and other decisions in accordance with the rules and regulations of the university;
  1. Promote multidisciplinary academic/research programs;
  2. Propose to the AC the establishment of new programs, and revision of existing programs; dissolution or amalgamation of programs on the basis of periodic need assessment
  3. Conduct follow-up on the various academic programs to assess whether the recommendation of the AC has been taken into account and present a report to the AC;
  4. Coordinate the preparation of school plans, programs, and budgets in collaboration with department heads and submit to the AC for review and endorsement. The dean shall also recommend to the AC schemes for the allocation of the approved budget among the various units of the school and follow-up on the implementation of the AC’s decisions;
  5. Direct and coordinate the activities of the departments and other units of the school;
  6. Co-ordinate all research activities of the school;
  7. Co-ordinate continuing education programs, professional development courses, seminars, workshops, and similar educational programs;
  8. Co-ordinate the formulation of criteria for admission of students to the school and departments and participate in the placement of such students;
  9. Administer and oversee the proper utilization of the physical resources of the school;
  10. Issue rules and procedures for the proper administration of the school in line with the overall policies and regulations of the university;
  11. Ensure that the policies, rules, and regulations of the university are readily available to be well known by the staff and students of the School;
  12. Facilitate recruitment of professionals who can either on a fulltime or part-time basis contribute to the research and teaching needs of the school;
  13. Endeavor to foster good working relationships with the relevant research institute and other units of the university;
  14. Promote the good image of the school by providing appropriate and full information on the activities of the school;
  15. Plan and implement schemes and programs that promote academic excellence;
  16. Plan and implement the welfare of both staff and students;
  17. Ensure the proper maintenance of student records in the school in accordance with guidelines to be set by the office of the registrar;
  18. Prepares and implements the cascaded strategic objectives;
  19. Submit quarter and annual report to the president and the AC on the activities of the school.
  20. Present an annual report and introduce the upcoming annual plan to the college staff.
  21. Share resources with other college/Campus/institutes/school or academic units where necessary ;
  22. Maintain standard support services so as to create a conducive working environment ;
  23. Responsible for continuous teaching learning core process improvements through different methods including benchmarking;
  24. Has a duty in ensuring that research is carried out for the benefit of a community;
  25. Responsible for preparing academic schedules ;
  26. Delegate his duties and powers as appropriate to the assistant deans or department heads;

29 Prepare fundraising projects;

30 Administer the allocated budget to the school;

  1. Work to establish a partnership with both local and abroad institutions; and
  2.  Carry out any other relevant tasks assigned to him by the academic and research vice president and/or the AC.

Powers and Responsibilities of the V/Dean

The academic vice-dean shall have the following duties and responsibilities.

  1. Serve as the chairperson of the AC in the absence of the dean ;
  2. Promote multidisciplinary academic programs; 58.4.3. Conduct follow-up on the various academic programs to assess whether the recommendation of the AC has been taken into account and present a report to the AC;
  3.  Prepare the school plans, programs, and budgets in collaboration with department heads.
  4.  Coordinate the activities of the departments and other units of the college/ campus/institutes/school;
  5. Co-ordinate continuing and distance education programs and professional development courses ;
  6. Co-ordinate the formulation of criteria for admission of students to the school and departments and participate in the placement of such students;
  7. Administer and oversee the proper utilization of the physical resources of the school;
  8. Propose procedures for the proper administration of the school in line with the overall policies and regulations of the university;
  9.  Ensure that the policies, rules, and regulations of the university are readily available to be well known by the staff and students of the school;
  10. Facilitate recruitment of professionals who can either on a full-time or part-time basis contribute to the research and teaching needs of the school;
  11. Promote the good image of the school by providing appropriate and full information on the activities of the college/Campus/ school;
  12. Plan and implement schemes and programs that promote academic excellence; Plan and implement the welfare of both staff and students;
  13. Ensure the proper maintenance of student records in the school in accordance with guidelines to be set by the office of the registrar;
  14. Prepare and implement the cascaded strategic objectives;
  15. Prepare quarter and annual report submitted to the AC and budget and plan directorate ;
  16. Prepare a report for transformation activities and submit to the transformation office;
  17. Prepare annual plan of the school.
  18. Share resources with other colleges/ campus/ school or academic units where necessary
  19. Maintain standard support services so as to create a conducive working environment;
  20. Responsible for continuous teaching learning core process improvements through different methods including benchmarking;
  21. Responsible for preparing academic schedules ;
  22. Prepare the supervision plan and follow up on the implementation of the planned activities and give support for departments or academic units when necessary ;
  23. Work to establish strong team sprite in the School; and
  24. Carry out any other relevant tasks assigned to him by the dean and/or AC

-Powers and Responsibilities of the Academic Commission

  • Members of the AC
  1. The dean of school (chairperson);
  2. Vice dean of the school (secretary);
  3. Department heads (owner of program delivery);
  4. One representative from the teachers association;
  5. An assigned registrar branch assistant registrar to the school;
  6. Two representative students from the Students Association of the respective college/Campus /institute /school one of which is female;
  1. Gender representative within the school;
  2. Coordinator of the research, community service, and postgraduate program of the school;
  1. The AC may co-opt other persons to attend its meetings. However, such persons shall not have voting rights.

Powers and Duties of the Academic Commission

  1. Set guidelines to facilitate the teaching-learning process;
  2. Issue guidelines for the delivery and mode of assessment in the school;
  3. In consultation with the academic executive director recommend to the senate the establishment of new programs and modifications of existing programs pertaining to study and research in the school;
  4. Deliberate and decide upon all appointment and promotion cases in the school;
  5. 5. Recommend all leaves of academic staff as provided in this legislation, to the Academic affair Vice President;
  6. 6. Promote research works within the School; issue guidelines on their execution, based on regulations issued by the senate and follow-up/monitor their implementation;
  7. Review the missions and objectives of the School on a periodic basis and evaluate the success of their implementation;
  8. Promote the welfare of staff and students and ensure observance of discipline within the School as provided by rules and regulations of the university;
  9. Review grades and determine the academic status of students of the school every semester;
  10. 10. Recommend to the senate the graduation of students of the school, and medal winner;
  11. Review and recommend budget proposals to the directorate Finance and budget and allocate approved budget for the various activities of the school,
  12. Initiate staff development schemes for the school, prioritize training programs for the staff, and recommend candidates for training;
  13. Issue guidelines on conditions of employment and remuneration for consultancy services in the school, in accordance with the university policies;
  14. Receive semester performance evaluation of the members of the school, from the department and review the results to take possible actions.
  15. Issue guidelines for promotion links with relevant external bodies and organizations with a view to enhancing the school, academic/research, and community service functions in line with the rules and regulations of the university;
  16. Initiate and execute schemes for scholarships, fellowships, prizes, and other awards to promote academic excellence within the school,
  17. Determine the allocation and appropriate utilization of the physical resources of the college/Campus/institute /school, based on recommendations of the dean of the school;
  18. Issue guidelines and procedures on the functions and activities of the sub-committees of AC established under this legislation; and
  19. Perform such other functions relevant to the betterment of the teaching-learning process and research and community services in the school.
  20. Prepares fundraising projects and promotes the income of the school; and

21 Carry out activities that assure quality education in all programs.

Legal Aid Officer

Duties and responsibilities

The officer has the responsibility to effectively realize the objectives of Debre Markos University School of Law free legal aid center.

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