Message from the Head of the Department
Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines. Not only it is fundamental and foremost to all basic natural sciences, it has been significant and influential through advances in its understanding that have translated into new technologies that arises from theoretical breakthroughs.
The Department of Physics, Debre Markos University, was founded to train undergraduate students in 2006. with four staff members and no laboratory technician. From that time onwards, the department has devoted its efforts towards enhancing its research and teaching capabilities.
Currently, the department offers Undergraduate Programs in applied Physics, and Graduate Programs leading to M.Sc in Physics (thesis and Project based). The department has 13 staffs on duty (2 assistant professors, 11 lecturers, 2 Graduate assistants) who specialize in relatively diverse areas and 3 are study leave (specialize to PhD). In addition, it has about 3 supportive staff (2 laboratory assistants and a secretary).
The department is also involved in a number of Community Outreach Programs and activities geared towards raising scientific awareness in the public and encouraging kids to consider pursuing a career in science.
The department has embarked on continual upgrading of its facilities; all these are in line with our desire to train holistic physics graduates that make positive contribution not only to our country but also to the whole of mankind.
Department of Physics aspires to be the premier international Ethiopian center of excellence in pursuit of generation advancement, dissemination and application of knowledge in basic and applied physics.
Department of Physics has the following mission statements.
- To produce competent and innovative professionals.
- To carry out problem solving research at local and national levels.
- To provide community and consultancy service that contribute to the national development objectives