Sociology Programs

List of courses and course outlines for each course

a.      In the first semester

                                                              i.      For first year students in semester one 

Module Name Module Code Course Code Course Title Cr Hours Course ECTS Mode of delivery
Basic English Skills EnLa- M1011 EnLa 1011 Communicative English Skills 3 5 Semester Based
Introductory Sociology Soc-M1011 SOCI 1011 Introduction to Sociology 3 5
Sociology of Ethiopian societies Soc-M1031 SOCI 1031 Sociology of Ethiopian societies 3 5
Introduction to Logic Phil-M1013 Phil 1013 Introduction to Logic 3 5
Introduction to Social Anthropology Anth-M1011 ANTH 1011 Introduction to Social Anthropology 3 5
Social psychology Psyc-M2071 Psyc 2071 Introduction to Social psychology 3 5
Total 18 30

                                                            ii.      For second year students in semester one 

Module Name Module Code Course Code Course Title Cr Hours Course ECTS Mode of delivery
Social Research Methods Soc-M2051 SOCI 2051 Methods of Social Research I 3 5 Block
SOCI 2052 Methods of Social Research II 3 5 Block
Population and Mobility Soc-M2061 SOCI 2061 Introduction to Population Studies 3 5 Block
SOCI 2062 Population Movements: Migration & Resettlement 3 5 Block
Culture and Society Soc-M2071 SOCI 2071 Media, communications and Culture 3


5 Block
SOCI 2072 Sociology of Tourism 3 5 Block
Total 18 30

                                                      iii.      For third year students in semester one                            

Module Name Module Code Course Code Course Title Cr Hours Course ECTS Mode of delivery
Globalization &Social Identity Soc-M3121 SOCI 3121 Globalization ,Social Movements & Civil Society 3 5 Block
SOCI 3122 Social Identities: Class, Ethnicity and Nationalism 3 5 Block
Rural and Urban sociology Soc-M3131 SOCI 3131 Rural Sociology and Development 3 5 Block
SOCI 3132 Urban Sociology 3 5 Block
Sociology of Vulnerable Groups Soc-M 3141 SOCI 3141 Sociology of Vulnerable Groups 3 5 Semester based
Gender and Society Soc-M3151 SOCI 3151 Gender and societies 3 5 Block
Innovation Management  and project Mgmt-M3033 Mgmt 3033 Entrepreneurship& Business Management     2 3 Block
Total 20 33

b.      In the second semester

                                                              i.      For first year students in the second semester

Module Name Module Code Course Code Course Title





Course ECTS Mode of delivery
Basic English Skills EnLa-M1011 EnLa1012 Basic  writing skills 3 5 Semester Based


Civics and Ethics Cest-M1021 CESt 1021  Civics and Ethical Studies 3 5
 Social Institutions Soc-M1021 SOCI 1021  Social Institution  I 3 5 Block
SOCI 1022  Social Institution  II 3 5 Block
Sociology of Ethiopian Society Soc-M1031 SOCI 1031 Sociology of Ethiopian Societies 3 5 Semester Based
Sociological Theories Soc-M1041 SOCI 1041 Sociological Theories I: Classical Perspectives 3 5 Block
SOCI 1042 Sociological Theories II: Contemporary Perspectives 3 5 Block
                                                                                Total 21 35

                                              ii.      For second year students in the second semester

Module Name Module Code Course Code Course Title Cr Hours Course ECTS Mode of delivery
Economy and Society Soc-M2081 SOCI 2081 Economic Sociology 3 5 Block
SOCI 2082 Sociology of work, Industry and organization


3 5 Block
Development Sociology Soc-M2091 SOCI 2091 Sociology of Development 3 5 Block
SOCI 2092 Contemporary social issues: food security, poverty and inequality 3 5 Block
Statistical Methods Soc-M2101 SOCI 2101 Statistics for Sociologists 4 7 Semester Based
Medical Sociology Soc-M2111 SOCI 2111 Medical  Sociology 3 5
                                                                                Total 19 32

                                                 iii.      For third year students in the second semester

Module Name Module Code Course Code Course Title Cr Hours Course ECTS Mode of delivery
Deviance and Crime Soc-M3161 SOCI 3161 Sociology of Deviance 3 5 Block
SOCI 3162 Criminology and correctional administration 3 5 Block
Environment and society Soc-M3171 SOCI 3171 Environmental Sociology 3 5 Semester Based
Social policy and planning Soc-M3181 SOCI 3181 Social policy, planning and Project 3 5 Block
SOCI 3182 Project design and management 3 5 Block
Senior Essay Soc-M3191 SOCI 3191 Senior Essay 3 5 Semester Based
                                                                                Total 20 33
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