IT Overview

In this age of the information age, every economy – both developed and developing highly depends on effective utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS). Realizing this fact, the Ethiopian government is striving a lot to develop the ICT infrastructure in the country. In addition to this, several governmental and non-governmental organizations, private companies and individuals are making heavy investments to take advantage of the technology.

Without qualified information technology professionals it will not be possible for the investment to make significant impact. As a result of this, it is very important to have a training program that trains high-caliber and internationally competent professionals.

Information Technology is a term that has two meanings. On the one hand Information Technology (Information Communication Technologies) is a general term encompassing all of computing. On the other hand, IT is used in universities to indicate a subject area that meets the computing technology needs of organizations

General Objective

To produce high quality IT Graduate with entrepreneur and problem solving mind set.

Specific Objective:

  • To produce graduates who possess the right combination of knowledge and practical skills to take care of an organization’s technology and infrastructure needs and peoples that needs it.
  • To produce professionals that take responsibilities for selecting hardware and software products appropriate for an organization, integrating those products with organizational needs and infrastructure
  • To produce graduates who installing, customizing and maintaining applications (network installation, network administration, Web site design, development of multimedia resources, installation of communication components and oversight of email system ) for the organization.
  • To produce professionals to work in organizations implementing and managing automated information systems for different scientific, educational, commercial and other purposes.
  • To produce graduates that plan and manage the technology lifecycle by which an organization’s technology is maintained, upgraded and replaced.

Admission Requirements

General National University Entry Requirements

Graduation Requirements

The major graduation requirements include:

•  Successful completion of 143 credit hours;

•  CGPA 2.0 and above

•  Core CGPA 2.00 and above

•  No grade of “F” in any of the courses.

•  4 years of duration

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