The Role of Editors
- Read individual papers in detail and decide whether they merit consideration by experts to gauge contribution
- If accepted, send the manuscript to reviewers and request critiques
- If capable, serve as an additional reviewer
- Remind referees of the need for timeliness
The Role of the Editor in Chief
- Calls and chairs EB meetings’
- Develops draft formats of the journal to be approved by the EB;
- Receives and registers all manuscripts;
- Reviews the manuscript’s conformity and its scope, then decides rejection or sends to an associate editor for review process;
- is responsible for communications with the corresponding author;
- Maintains the quality and regularity of the journal, and its availability online and in printing;
- Responsible for all communications regarding the journal;
- Reports the journal’s publication activities to the Editorial Board or deans;
- Sends reminders to corresponding author/s;
- Sends manuscripts to Associate Editors for reviewers;
Duties of Associate Editor-in-Chief
The Associate Editor-in-Chief of a journal shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
- The Associate Editor-in-Chief shall carry out the functions of the editor-in-chief in his/her absence;
- Associate editors shall secure potential reviewers;
- Once reviewers are selected by the Editorial Board (EB), the associate editor in his/her respective discipline shall communicate (send manuscripts and receive comments) with reviewers;
- The associate editor sends reminders to reviewers;
- The Associate Editor receives manuscripts from the Editor-in-Chief and sends comments of reviewers to the Editor-in-Chief;