Investigating the Effects of Aerobic Exercise of Male Long Distance Runners . . .

 DMU Publishing                       

Choke Journal of Science and Technology

Choke Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 1, issue 2. (2021),

 PRINT ISSN: 2789-2565,

ONLINE ISSN: 2789-2575

Investigating the Effects of Aerobic Exercise of Male Long Distance Runners: on Selected Hematological Parameters to Debere Markos Town Athletics Clubs

Yalemsew Demlie Miheritie1 and Molla Deyou2                 

1Deber Markos University, College of Natural and Computational Science Department of

Sport Science

2Arba Minch University, College of Natural and Computational Science Department of Sport


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Accepted for publication: June 30, 2021

Published: July 20, 2021


This study is aimed to investigate the effects of aerobic exercise of male long distance runners on selected hematological parameters to Debre Markos town athletics clubs. “Pre- posttest randomized group experimental design” was used. Twenty healthy male long distance runners with age range between 20-30 years were selected through purposive sampling method. Among these, fourteen athletes were fit the inclusion criteria and successfully completed the intervention. Red blood cell, hemoglobin and hematocrite level of the athletes were tested twice before and after the intervention exercise. An automatic complete blood count (CBC) machine (Mindray) analyzed the blood sample: model BC-3000 plus hematology analyzer. The data was analyzed using a statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 25. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the hematological parameters of the subjects. All data were presented as mean ± standard deviation. The result was compared by statistical analysis using paired-sample T-test. The results of this study showed that red blood cell count was significantly decreased after 8-week moderate aerobic exercise intervention (p 0.05). However, hemoglobin count and hematocrit showed a decrement in mean value but did not showed significant change. These changes are transient this may be due to a lack of adaptation for the intervention in elite male long distance runners.

Keywords: Exercise, Erythrocyte count, Hemoglobin, Hematological

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