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College: Social Science and Humanities

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Name of College dean: Belsti Gashaw (Dr.)

Phone: 0911929723


Name of College Vice dean: Mr.Kassahun Wubalem (Mr)

Phone: 0979554065


          Office Location

Building Number:   23

Floor Number: 02

Office Room Number: 207

Branch: D/Markos


Message from the Dean

Welcome to the website of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at DMU!

College of Social Sciences and Humanities was opened in 2009 branching off the first Education Faculty formed in 2007.The reason for opening this college is that the surrounding area has splendid culture, noble literary authors and base local languages for creative literatures in the country. Hence the college has been exerting much effort to excel in culture, literature and language next to crop production at college of Agriculture and Natural Resource.

Currently, the college has five academic departments running 10 undergraduate (BA) degree programs. The programs are Ethiopian Language(s) and Literature-Amharic, English Language and Literature, Geez, Geography and Environmental Studies, History and Heritage Management, Civics and Ethical Education, Sociology, Journalism and Communication, Political Science and International Relation, and Theatre Arts. The college has also launched 12 MA and 2 PhD programs under six departments. The MA programs are Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), General Linguistics, Literature, Applied Linguistics in Teaching Amharic (ALTA), Folklore in Amharic, History, Political Sciences and International Relation (PSIR), Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS), Civics and Ethical Studies (CES), Sociology, Environment and Land Resource Management (ELRM), and Geography and Environmental Studies (GES).

The PhD programs are Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Literature. Still, the college is striving to open 2 BA (Philology & Social Anthropology), 4 MA (Urban Development and Management, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, and GIS and Remote Sensing) and 3 PhD (ALTA, Linguistics, and Environmental Change Management) fields.

With these programs, the college aspires to be a best academic and research institution contributing to the sustainable development of the nation.To achieve this, the college dean would like to invite institutions to collaborate with us in all areas of capacity building. The collaboration areas identified are developing standardized curricula, staff/student exchange, female empowerment, research and academic training, leadership training, and financial support (for training, creative work, job creation, problem solving research and community service projects). Such collaborations will highly help to solve the social, political and cultural challenges of the nation. This will, in turn, promote the center of excellence in culture, literature and language.

                                                      Combined Effort for Great Achievement!!!

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