Missions, Vision and Values of the Department
- Prepare sufficient, knowledge, skilled, and attitudinally matured graduates in relevant disciplines with competence to support peace, democracy and national development that can make the country internationally competitive.
- Promote and enhance research focusing on knowledge and technology transfer consistent with the country’s priority needs.
- Establish a system to create and enhance institution who can be emulated as center of excellence for mission attainment and good governance.
- Psychology Department strives to have a transformative impact on society by 2040
Psychology Department is guided by the following core values:
- Quality first;
- Critical thinking;
- Academic freedom;
- Promote indigenous knowledge;
- Inclusiveness;
- Internationalization; and Social development
የዕዉቀት አዉድማ ከጮቄ ማማ(Grow wiser at the water tower)