Environmental Health Overview

Environmental Health   overview

At the very outset, welcome to the web page of Department of Environmental Health at Debre Markos University: On  behalf  of the  department & myself, I would  like  to extend  a warmth  welcome  to  our web page. Thank you for considering Debre Markos University Health Science College, Environmental Health Department. You are on a good stand to shine on one of the broader scopes of public health.

Department of Environmental Health was opened in 2010/2017 to train highly qualified graduates who will fulfill the essential, minimum common expectations of health care systems worldwide while fulfilling local needs. The academic staff comprises a mixture of professionals in its different specialties.

Environmental health department has only regular program; we are on a good track to have second degree programs in MSc, in environmental health, and MPH in environmental health. Finally, our  web page  will  provide  you with  the latest information  on our  academic  programs, staff profile, research and community services provided, admission  process  and requirements and beyond.


Environmental health department strides to be one of the renowned departments in education, research, and community service delivery in the country by 2030.


The department of environmental health is committed to train highly qualified, demanded and community oriented environmentalists equipped with intellectual, moral and social values of high standard.

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