
Institute of Land Administration (ILA), Debre Markos University

The efficient, effective and equitable use of scarce land resources can only be achieved through systematic land management that invariably supports a wide range of governmental functions. This crucial demand for sustainable use of scarce land resource, however, can only be realized if it is supported by training programs that create well qualified staff with the necessary professional competence. An effective land administration system supports sustainability and is an essential source for decision making. Land administration includes land tenure, land use, land value, and land development. The Institute of Land Administration (ILA) at Debre Markos University was launched in 2015/2016 academic year in response to the high demand of professional expertise, to give an advanced education on land management. Its objective is to provide for skilled personnel on land administration in Ethiopia and beyond with the view to fill the big gap which existed for generations. In this regard, program launched at DMU is in line with the country’s strategy to extend the number of higher education institutions with qualified professionals on technical, natural and social-economic topics.

Issue Area

Land can be linked with governance, policy, management, administration, development, and planning. Therefore subject of this new BSc. study on Land Administration at Debre Markos University is focusing on a scheme of Geomatics, land law, land dispute resolution mechanisms, land valuation and compensation techniques, cadastral surveying, land registration and certification and land management studies.

  • Academic Staff statistics (2009)
Sex BSC MSC PhD Total
Male 6 1 2 9
Female 1 1 2
Total 7 2 2 11
  • Administrative Staff Statistics (2009)
Sex Certificate Diploma BSc/BA MSC PhD Total
Male 1 1
Female 1 2 3
Total 0 1 3 0 0 4
  • Student statistics (2009)
Year Program Total
Regular Extension Summer
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Year 1 14 36 50 50
Year 2
Year 3
Graduated 50
  • Institute  Employees’  Statistics

Male= 11, Female = 5, Total= 16

  • Active Under Graduate Student Statistics
Year Program Male Female Total
I Land Administration and Surveying 14 36 50
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