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Institute of Land Administration Dean

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Name:                     Worku Nega Adugna

                                Specialization: MSc in remote sensing and Geo-informatics

Institute:                 Land Administration

Phone Number:      0918388425

Email Address:

Branch:                     Main campus

Building No:            29          

Room No:               211


Institute of Land Administration (ILA), Debre Markos University

Message from the Institute Dean

The use of the scarce land resource efficiently, effectively and equitably can only be achieved through systematic land administration that invariably supports a wide range of governmental functions. This crucial demand for sustainable use of scarce land resource, however, can only be realized if it is supported by training programs that create well-qualified staff with the necessary professional competence. An effective land administration system supports sustainability and is an essential source for decision-making. In this context, Institute of Land Administration (ILA) has established in 2016 as a department of Land Administration and Surveying by the consortium effort of two Austrian Universities (University of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences (BOKU), Technical University of Vienna (TUW) and two Ethiopian Universities (Institute of Land Administration of Bahir Dar University (BDU) and Debre Markos University (DMU). This is with the project support of Austrian Development Cooperation via APPEAR (Austrian Partnership Program in Higher Education and Research for Development). The institute focusses on four land administration functions (land tenure, land use, land value, and land development). However, there is a shortage of land administration professionals in the country for conducting the land administration functions. In this context, the institute is established in response to the high demand of professional expertise to give an advanced education on land administration. Its objective is to provide skilled personnel on land administration in Ethiopia and beyond with the view to fill the big gap which existed for generations. Currently, there are two undergraduate departments in the institute notably, Department of Land Administration and Surveying, and Department of Real Property Valuation. The institute is aggressively working to make its graduates competent enough in the workforce. Besides, the institute is aspiring to achieve excellence by producing competent professionals, conducting problem-solving research, and delivering demand-driven community services.

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