
Partnership/Cooperation endeavors

The Institute of Land Administration, Debre Markos University has created partnership/cooperation with relevant GOs, NGOs and CBOs at local, national and international levels. Such partnerships/cooperation shall be arranged in such a way that the partnerships will enhance the professional aptitude of the institute. Accordingly, so far, the ILA has initiated cooperation/partnership with National and International Institutions including:

  • Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information at BOKU (Austria)
  • Ethiopian Institutions
    • Bureau of Environmental Protection Land Administration and Use / Amhara Region–BoEPLAU
    • Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute – ARARI
    • Bahir Dar University–Institute of Land Administration – (ILA).

Such partnership and collaboration initiatives will be strengthened and carried out in a way that will form favorable environment for the students’ practical engagement and skill development, staff-student research undertakings, experience sharing and financial and technical support opportunities.

The aim of the international cooperation in academic education is to qualify human resources in land management and administration that meet the needs of ongoing socioeconomic development in Ethiopia. The four year project entitled “implementation of academic Land Administration education in Ethiopia for supporting sustainable development (EduLAND)” – supported by the APPEAR program of the Austrian Development Cooperation–awarded in March 2016 is focusing on the technical and academic assistance to the curriculum development process as well as grants of basic teaching material and equipment of the Institute. The promotion of females, young people and persons of other underprivileged groups is a central objective of the project.

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