Staff Academic Administrative Graduate
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The University is found at Debre Markos town which is located in north western part of Ethiopia. The town is 300 kms NW of the capital, Addis Ababa and 265 kms SE of Bahir Dar, the capital of Amhara National Regional State. It is geographically located at 10020’N37043’E/10.3330N37.7170E with an average altitude of 2446m above sea level. It has conducive weather condition with1380 mm average annual rainfall and 180c average annual temperature.
According to the municipality’s report, the town has over 123,000 residents of which 97 percent are Amhara and the remaining three percent are from Agaw, Oromo, Tigre and others nations. Although there are various religions (orthodox Christians, Muslims and Evangelical Christians), most of the dwellers are Orthodox Christian.
The University is found in the area endowed with potential resources, such as the Choke Mountains water-shade which covers six different agro-ecology zones within 50km radius with various bio-diversity and the source of many tributaries to the Nile, and Upper Blue Nile Gorge.
Around the vicinity of the University, there are historic, renowned and ancient church schools: Dima Giorgis, Mertule-Mariam, Debre Work Mariam and Debre Elias, etc. These schools played significant role in the development of modern education in Ethiopia. Prominent scholars who have contributed for the development of education and Ethiopian literature were the products of these traditional schools.
On the other hand, the university is found in the area with high environmental degradation such as soil erosion and degradation, deforestation, depletion of wet lands and reduction of water bodies.
All these potentials and challenges are great opportunities for the university to effectively manage the teaching-learning, undertake research, and provide community service activities with wider applicability of the results.
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