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National Partners

 Common Collaboration areas and objectives


Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa

  • Establish of Climate Science center at choke mountains
  • Joint research programs and projects on: solid and liquid waste management, Pollution, Water shade management, Urban sustainability issues, Establishment of analytical laboratory, etc..
  • Solar radiation distribution and the effect on Agriculture/crop production


Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural research(EIAR), Addis Ababa

  • Jointly work on relevant technology generation, initiate technology dissemination programs and projects
  • Hosting postgraduate students for their research
  • Agree to share research laboratories and teaching facilities; share staff for relevant research and post graduate research


Jimma University, Ethiopia

  • Jointly conduct research and development activities, organize capacity building and offer demand driven training, organize conferences
  • Support each other in designing curricula
  • Facilitate student exchange
  • Share scholarly and academic materials


Abay Basin development officea, Ethiopia

  • Joint proposal development, development of guidelines, manuals
  • Sharing of laboratories and liberaries
  • Joint publications and research outputs


Ethiopian Environment and Forest research institute/EEFRI/,  Addis Ababa

  • Joint capacity building, research and use of laboratory facilities


Ethiopian Public health Institute, Ethiopia

  • Organize scientific symposium, conferences
  • Carry out joint research including MSc and PhD programs
  • Exchange of scientific and technical information
  • Co-supervision of MSc and Doctoral thesis


Bright Future Initiative, Ethiopia

  • Exchange data resources on the issute of disability and rehabilitation
  • Joint project development and implementation
  • Resource utilization within and outside the entities
  • Exchange of skill knowledge and experience


Human Bridge College, Ethiopia

  • Provision of hospital beds, Bedside table and other medical equipment


Catholic Relief services Ethiopia ( Farmer to Farmer / F2F/ program), Ethiopia

  • Enable CRS access and provide technical assistance
  • Broaden the participation of Rural poor in establishing commodity value chains….


Frances G. Cosco Foundation- Education for change “ FGCF”,  Ethiopia

  • Improve access to learning materials
  • Upgrading teachers pedagogical skills
  • Set standards based outcome targets

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