Staff Academic Administrative Graduate
Name Dr. Haimanot Reta Terefe
ስም፡ ዶ/ር ሐይማኖት ረታ ተረፈ
Responsibility: Indigenous knowledge Research officer
የስራ ድርሻ፡ የሃገር በቀል እዉቀት የምርምር ማዕከል ኦፊሰር
Telephone Number.(+251) 912986751
ስልክ ቁጥር፡ (+ 251) 912986751
ዓላማ፡ የሀገር በቀል እዉቀቶችን በፕሮጀክት በማስደገፍ መሰነድ ፣ መፈተሸ ና ጥቅም ላይ እንዲዉሉ ማድረግ
Objective: Documenting, isolating and standardizing Indigenous knowledge through project and using the results for economic growth
ግብ፡ የባህል እዉቀቶችን በስርአተ ትምህርት በማካተት ለሃገር እድገት እንዲዉሉ ማስቻል
Goal: Developing the nation by introducing indigenous knowledge in the Educational curriculum
ራእይ፡ በ2021 የሃገር በቀል እዉቀት በምርምር ተደግፎ ለሀገር ልማት ሲዉል ማየት
Vision: To see revitalization of indigenous knowledge through scientific research for national development by 2029
መልዕክት፡ የሀገር በቀል እዉቀት የምርምር ማእከል ዘርፉን ለማሳደግ ስለሚሰራ ሁሌም ቢሆን ከሚመለከታቸዉ አካለትጋር አብሮ ለመስራት በሩ ክፍት ነዉ
Message ፡ Indigenous knowledge research office shall invite different researchers to contribute their knowledge and experience to the untouched sector
In order to focus and give direction to the range of research activities undertaken within the University community, we have identified 17 key research thematic areas that seek to address the needs of our society.
These areas have been designed as a result of a thorough analysis of the problems that the nearby communities of the University are facing, needs of the society, personal experience of researchers and the national development agenda. As part of this process the Debre Markos University also carried out a needs assessment of sample districts of East Gojjam Administrative Zones.
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